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The Open Notebook is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is widely regarded as the leading online source of training and educational materials for journalists who cover science.

Gifts from our community have enabled The Open Notebook to provide thousands of science journalists with in-depth, nuts-and-bolts resources and training. Through our comprehensive library of articles on the craft of science journalism and our extensive training and mentoring programs, we equip journalists with the skills they need to tell impactful, engaging stories about science.

Creating these resources costs money. With your support, we can expand our ability to break down barriers in science journalism and empower journalists worldwide.

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The Page Turners Collective: Together We Can Achieve MoreA monthly gift can go even further to support our work. Consider joining the Page Turners Collective, a community of those who contribute to The Open Notebook each month to provide reliable, sustainable support for our work. Even small contributions throughout the year accumulate to make a big impact.

Learn More about the Page Turners Collective.


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We have earned a Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. The Platinum Seal of Transparency demonstrates The Open Notebook‘s exceptional trustworthiness, financial strength, fiscal management best practices, and tangible successful outcomes in its mission of help science journalists improve their skills.

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